“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”

— Frederick Buechner

small groups

Small groups, or “Intentional Communities” have been an integral part of CCC since its beginning. It’s where we do inward work connected with outward work needed in our communities. These groups are often seasonal and changing, but here is some of what we have going on now. Contact us if you’re interested in joining one of our small groups!

Prepare Small Group

Some of the anticipated national changes in 2025 could have devastating impacts on marginalized people. This group is gathering to process these changes, care for one another, and discern concrete action we can take as a church. We started in Advent, but are continuing together.

Group Spiritual Companionship

Group Spiritual Companionship is a small group where committed participants have a facilitated structure to process our spiritual questions and the ways we're making meaning in our life. It isn't a place for advice or teaching, but is a supportive and confidential space for seeking Divine connection, building relationships, and reminding each other that the Spirit's wisdom is so close. We’re starting a new group for January. Email rev.abbi.ccc@gmail.com if you’re interested in joining!


Our Intergenerational Intentional Community (IGIC) is a mixture of multi-age adults and youth exploring faith and mission together.